Substance Abuse Professionals of Texas


Addiction Counseling, Court Ordered Evaluations, Return to Duty Evaluations, DOT Qualified SAP

Specializing in DOT SAP Evaluations in the South Central Texas area since 1999

Substance Abuse Professionals of Texas (SAPTX) was founded in 1999 by Heather Allen Thompson, LCDC, NCAC II, SAP to provide quality, professional and confidential services to individuals experiencing problems related to substance abuse. We have specialized in the area of Department of Transportation (DOT) Evaluations, DWI Evaluations and individual/family counseling for over 25 years.

In 2024 Clayton Sponhaltz, LCDC, NCAC I, SAP acquired the practice. Clayton has worked in the addiction treatment field since 2008 helping individuals and families navigate problems from substance abuse with integrity and care. We are so excited to bring in this new era with SAPTX ensuring our trusted clients continue receiving the professional and timely care they have been accustomed to.

Clayton and Heather both share the same passion. We want to help individuals, families, companies and the general public from the effects of substance abuse. Our experience and professionalism make the difference.  Clients can be assured we are thorough and efficient in DOT compliance policies without sacrificing safety.  We have an extensive network of education and treatment providers with whom we can refer you to for services. Contact us today to get moving with your needs!

 Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor

National Certified Addiction Counselor, Level 1

DOT Qualified Substance Abuse Professional


Substance Abuse Professionals of Texas - SAPTX

A trusted provider of DOT SAP Return to duty evaluations in South Central Texas since 1999.

